Saturday, February 20, 2010

Grand Canyon National Park (South Rim)

We entered the Grand Canyon at the South Rim (main entrance). It had snowed at the Grand Canyon a few days prior to our arrival, but when we arrived most of the roads and main walkways had been plowed. The snow made it slightly difficult to walk around the unplowed areas of the park, but it also provided amazing views of the canyon that we would not have otherwise seen. When you first enter the park through the main gate, its about a 3 mile drive to the canyon itself. As we walked to the canyon for our first view, we were filled with anticipation and excitement. The one word we both used to describe the canyone was awesome. The view is breathtaking, but hard to take in all at once. The width of the canyon seems to span for miles and it is a long way down. Its so grand (pun intended) its hard to wrap your mind around it. After getting our first view of the canyon near the visitor's center, we headed to our charming little cabin room at the Bright Angel Lodge. A company called Xanterra ( runs all of the lodging the Grand Canyon and many other other national parks, so the prices are a bit high for what you get. However, it was worth it to us to stay inside the park because our cabin was a matter of feet from the canyon edge. Within the park there are gift shops, restaurants, and chances to see wildlife. At night, the park was extremely dark with very few lights so we didn't spend much time outside after sunset and we suggest being careful walking around at night. We saw the canyon change colors from bright oranges and reds, to deep blues and purples as the day went on and the sun went down. We browsed the gift shops, ate at both the Bright Angel Lodge and Maswick restaurants, and experienced the canyon at both day and night, sunrise and sunset, clear and fog. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Next stop, VEGAS BABY!

Lorenzo at the Canyon's edge

Our room at the Bright Angel Lodge

The Bright Angel Lodge

Kimalee enjoying the canyon

Romantic moment (our names in the canyon snow)

Tourists at the canyon earlier in the day

Together in the cold of the canyon

The canyon later in the evening

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